Sunday, February 6, 2011

We made it through the biggest snow storm that hit Illinois in years!!  The weather reporters have called it all kinds of name from snowpocalypse, snowmaggedon, and shovelmania!!  These are just a few names that we have heard being thrown around here in the Midwest!!

Mike and I move from sunny Savannah when in February things are just starting to wake up and flowers are right around the corner.  Now we have tons of snow everywhere. 

When you try to get to...let's say have to watch for cars at the corners because we have piles of snow that sometimes you cannot see around!!  It can be very dangerous!!  I wonder where all of this snow is going to go one of these days.  There is going to be a lot of WATER!! 

Maybe the snow knew that we had not seen it in a long time and wanted to show us again!!  Course I very much doubt that!! 

We will be moving into the apt in the basement in our daughter's home very soon!!  Mike and our two son-in-laws have been working on it for a long time now...around 6 months in fact.  It is going to be very cute and so new.  Just a few small things are left to do..One major and final thing is the carpet.

Mike knows a man at Lowe's that is coming out tomorrow night and looking to see what we need.  We have bought two remnants.  We need more for the living room.  The carpet guy found out that Mike has his bi-lateral replacement in two weeks so he is going to try to get it in this week!! YES!!  Boy, it will be great to get moved from one bedroom to three rooms of our own!!  I have missed having a home to do in what i want to do. 

Take care and hopefully things are going smoothly and life is treating you well!!


Thought for the day:  May you be overwhelmed with the grace of God rather than the cares of life.


  1. Wow!!! That's a lot of snow. Didn't know you moved to IL. I've been planning a move too.

  2. Well my goodness, there you are! Did you change blogs or something again? I had you in my Google Reader but it never said that you had new posts. I just found the email you had sent me with the link to this glad I found you again! lol

    I think you got more snow that we did! Wow, you sure did get a LOT!! We've been having rain the last couple of days but now it's turning colder again so everything will be icy.

    No doubt you are anxious to move into your apartment at your daughter's...good luck with the move:-)

    I now need to go read your last few posts to get caught up with your news!

    Hugs, PEA xoxo

  3. We are having a typical winter... Very snowy day today. So much for global warming. God does keep us guessing!
